Tyler, Kate Kraft & Wendy Landman: Walking Promotes Mental Health
When you go for a walk, you’re not just moving your body from place to place. Something’s happening to your brain, too. Your mind clears.
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When you go for a walk, you’re not just moving your body from place to place. Something’s happening to your brain, too. Your mind clears.
Of the 25.1 million teens in the United States between the ages of 13 and 18, 60 percent report languishing or only feeling moderately mentally
Technology can be a lifeline for many. Adolescents and young adults today have unprecedented access to online information and communities; 95 percent of American teens have a
A recent analysis from Well Being Trust, a national public health foundation, predicted as many as 75,000 people might die from suicide, overdose or alcohol abuse,
Long-term, research by the Robert Graham Center for Policy Studies in Family Medicine and Primary Care and the Well Being Trust found that as many
“People lose their jobs and they lose their sense of purpose and become despondent, and you sometimes see them lose their lives,” says Benjamin Miller, Well
But there’s a cost to not socializing, too, as the psychologist Ben Miller of the nonprofit Well Being Trust reports there’s an “epidemic within the coronavirus
Nearly half of people who are sheltering in place said that the pandemic has increased their stress or worry, according to a poll from the Kaiser
In addition to its physical toll, the pandemic has also negatively affected the mental health of many people, according to both the Indiana State Department
The U.S. is now consumed by another public health disaster. Yet the coronavirus pandemic could end up exacerbating the opioid epidemic. A report from the Well