More than 300 Providence caregivers walk to support suicide prevention awareness 

Providence caregivers pictured above at the Out of Darkness Walk: 
Michelle Flores, Diana Alcantar, Anna Nguyen, Alexis Lerma

Providence joined the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) for eight 2024 Out of the Darkness Walks across the Providence seven-state footprint, raising more than $20,000 supporting suicide prevention initiatives. More than 300 Providence caregivers participated in these walks, demonstrating their commitment to promoting mental health awareness and prevention.

With mental health needs rising in our local communities, Providence is dedicated to ensuring people feel seen, valued, and get the support that they need,” said Diana Alcantar, director of behavioral health, Orange County & High Desert for Providence Medical Foundation.

“Together, we stand in solidarity with the important work that the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is doing to ensure people know they are not alone, and help is available. Our Orange County walk team, Providence OC Hope Squad, is a representation of caregivers, providers, and families who are passionate about bringing mental health awareness to our local communities. We believe that it is through the sacred action of serving others that helps save lives. Providence OC Hope Squad stands with you.”  

Providence’s participation in the walks included distributing more than 1,000 medical lock bags to the community members to help keep medications safe.

According to a study published in Injury Epidemiology, safely storing medication in a lock bag or box is a proven barrier to improper use or ingestion. The bags can help keep medications safe and out of reach of not only children but anyone who may seek to ingest medications without a prescription from a doctor.

Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States, with an alarming 1.6 million suicide attempts reported in 2022 according to ASFP. The goal of the Out of the Darkness Walks is to promote awareness, educate individuals on recognizing warning signs, and dismantle the stigma surrounding mental health issues.  

Thanks to the Providence caregivers and the community who led and participated in these efforts throughout September and October 2024.

Learn more about suicide prevention and view free resources.  
