The suicide rate among Hispanic people rose from 5.7 to 7.9 per 100,000 people from 2011 to 2021, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Recent research indicates a continued rise in suicide rates among young adults, particularly females, within this community.
One attendee shared, “It is good to have presentations like this in Spanish because it is something that is not really talked about in our culture, and it needs to be addressed.”
Kadlec’s efforts aim to increase access to mental health resources for those who might otherwise not have access to this information.
“Mental health is a stigmatizing topic to talk about, especially in certain cultural groups,” said Courtney Armstrong, supervisor for community services at Kadlec. “Through these educational programs, we hope to increase the comfort level of talking about mental health, raise awareness of professional services to address mental health concerns, and create a help-seeking environment.”
Mental health has been identified as one of the main priorities for Washington’s Benton and Franklin counties, with a population of more than 300,000. In addition to offering suicide prevention training in Spanish, Kadlec Regional Medical Center is also providing school districts with the training and curriculum to implement evidence-based programs that improve student mental health.
Read further insights into Kadlec’s ongoing efforts to destigmatize mental health in Eastern Washington.
Providence’s Well Being Trust is honored to help drive this important work that advances the mental health and well-being for all. Learn more.
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