Todos Somos Uno: Una nueva crisis de salud podría avecinarse: una ola de suicidios
Un estudio publicado este viernes intentó estimar la cifra. Según el análisis, que no fue revisado por otros expertos del campo, en la próxima década
Un estudio publicado este viernes intentó estimar la cifra. Según el análisis, que no fue revisado por otros expertos del campo, en la próxima década
Social activist and iconic fashion designer Kenneth Cole, has announced the launch of The Mental Health Coalition (MHC), the first collaborative effort of this scale which
Today, with 1.6 million cases and 96,000 deaths and rising in the U.S. alone, the novel coronavirus understandably has dominated every news storyline. But make
A Kaiser Family Foundation poll found more than half of Americans — 56 percent — reported that worry or stress related to the outbreak has led to
Channel 2 Anchor Jorge Estevez spoke to an expert over video chat. Dr. Benjamin Miller is with the Well Being Trust, a national foundation focused on
But the report also found that deaths of despair increased in some minority communities during the same time period. And separately alcohol-related deaths were up
At the same time, isolation and joblessness have their own costs – among them, mental health, children’s welfare, and financial ruin. Unemployment stands at 14.7%,
Troubling data, however, lay beneath the overall findings: Deaths due to alcohol, synthetic opioids, cocaine and suicide increased, particularly among people of color, according to
Annual Deaths Due to Alcohol, Drugs or Suicide Exceeded 150,000 According to the Most Recent Data —And Could Get Worse Due to COVID-19 Despite decreases
Financing solutions to improve health for all A Q&A with Jake Segal of Social Finance about the role of his organization’s ‘pay for success’ model
For media inquiries, contact:
Amy Shields
Director of Communications
214-208-7942 or email