Conversations That Matter: The deaths of despair (w/ Dr. Benjamin F. Miller, Well Being Trust)
According to Well Being Trust, the number of additional deaths attributable to COVID-19, as a result of deaths of despair, could be as high as
According to Well Being Trust, the number of additional deaths attributable to COVID-19, as a result of deaths of despair, could be as high as
But there’s a cost to not socializing, too, as the psychologist Ben Miller of the nonprofit Well Being Trust reports there’s an “epidemic within the coronavirus
Nearly half of people who are sheltering in place said that the pandemic has increased their stress or worry, according to a poll from the Kaiser
In addition to its physical toll, the pandemic has also negatively affected the mental health of many people, according to both the Indiana State Department
Both Lurie — who is now a consultant to the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations — and Tyler Norris, MDiv, Chief Executive of Well Being
The Academy Health, in partnership with ACT for Health and with support from Well Being Trust, developed the report Advancing Teen Flourishing: Moving Policy Upstream outlining policy
The U.S. is now consumed by another public health disaster. Yet the coronavirus pandemic could end up exacerbating the opioid epidemic. A report from the Well
Ten years after the federal law was passed, Georgia received a failing grade for behavioral health parity, according to a 2018 report produced in collaboration with the Morehouse
This morning on the KFBK Morning News, I talked to one of the authors of the study Dr. Ben Miller, a Psychiatrist, author and leader
On May 30, D.C.-based news outlet The Hill reported on how ill-prepared the U.S. is to meet an impending pandemic-induced mental health crisis, noting that the
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Amy Shields
Director of Communications
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