HealthDay: COVID-19 Pandemic May Lead to 75,000 ‘Deaths of Despair’
“Deaths of despair are tied to multiple factors, like unemployment, fear and dread, and isolation. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were already an unprecedented
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“Deaths of despair are tied to multiple factors, like unemployment, fear and dread, and isolation. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were already an unprecedented
“A menos que obtengamos recursos federales, estatales y locales integrales para mejorar el acceso a tratamientos de salud mental de alta calidad y apoyos comunitarios,
In recent weeks, we have seen people around the world turn to nature for reprieve and respite from the stress and uncertainty caused by the
Earlier this year, WBT launched Healing the Nation, a comprehensive national policy framework for mental health and addiction. The issues we highlighted in the publication have only
These are challenging times, especially for the most vulnerable among us. The novel coronavirus arrives at a desperate moment for a country already struggling to
More millennials are also dying “deaths of despair,” or deaths related to drugs, alcohol, and suicide, Jamie Ducharme reported for Time in June 2019, citing a report
Funding for this project is provided by Well Being Trust, a national foundation dedicated to advancing the mental, social, and spiritual health of the nation;
Well Being Trust Announces New Grants Focused on Increasing Access to the Vital Community Conditions for Well Being Well Being Trust announces new grants focused
COVID-19 is impacting all aspects of our lives. Hospitals are facing overcapacity and limited resources, and businesses and local economies are struggling amid mass closings.
A behavioral health specialist offers insight on coping with the stresses of the pandemic, and public health and infectious experts offer the latest on COVID-19.
For media inquiries, contact:
Amy Shields
Director of Communications
214-208-7942 or email