U.S. News & World Report: Investing in Community to Cut Health Care Costs
California is spending much more of its budget on health care costs than on “community conditions” such as education, environmental protections and social services that could
California is spending much more of its budget on health care costs than on “community conditions” such as education, environmental protections and social services that could
In a report released Tuesday, community health advocates at Oakland’s Well Being Trust warned California’s leaders that they must curb prices and waste in health
Ben & Shannon Brownlee writing in STAT News: The rising cost of health care has become one of the largest sources of stresson American household budgets
New Report: California Trades Spending on Vital Community Conditions that Keep People Healthy for Propping Up a Sick Care System Report finds health care spending
In a disturbing paradox, increased state spending on medical treatment may actually be leading to worse health conditions for Californians. Analysis of California’s state budget
For media inquiries, contact:
Amy Shields
Director of Communications
214-208-7942 or email media@wellbeingtrust.org